
sunny days

The sun was shining, clear but not too hot. The woods in the valley were still leafy and full of colour , and seemed peaceful and wholesome.

mmmmm sounds like La Jolla :)

Okay I'm gonna go back to reading, Stay classy San Diego.

triton eye

sooo finally back in SD after (I think) losing my voice from singing in David Hong's car at 2 am. YayyYy!! Just posting this before I go to bed to wake up for my 8 am, which I WILL go to. Most of the time anyway. I really need to step it up this quarter so no more games. And I need to sleep early. And find a job. So much to do and its barely the first day of the quarter!!! D:

When I think about school: orz

if anyone knows what orz is I'll buy them lunch. and no cheaters (google)!!